
Ideas on sustainable weight loss & healthy living

I help women professionals who are DONE dieting end emotional overeating, feel freedom around food & lose the extra weight sustainably. The Era I Lived In PLUS newsletter delivers ideas on sustainable weight loss, self-acceptance & empowerment to transform lives by supporting, empowering and inspiring.

woman worrying about her weight
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You aren't the problem...this is

There’s one belief that everyone struggling to lose weight shares: “I should be able to figure this out on my own.” Why? We’ve had a lifetime of “authorities” telling us what to do without explaining how to do it. Just say no. Eat responsibly. Enjoy in moderation. Here’s how your subconscious interprets these messages: “If no one is telling me how to be responsible, it must be something that doesn’t need explanation.” This leads to the second conclusion: “If I can’t figure this out on my own,...

clear hour glass

In my work as a 1:1 weight loss coach for women, I often hear women say how much they want to lose weight but they believe that NOW is not the right time. Well, the kids are going back to school so I can't start now. Well, it's the holidays so I can't start now. Well, the kids are back in school I can't start now. Well, Spring Break can't lose weight when they're on spring break. Well, Oh my God, it's summer. You know, our schedules change so I can't think of starting to lose weight now....

woman wearing blue denim button-up jacket

When we think about sharing messages, most of us probably think about something based on words. But how often do we consider those messages conveyed by our actions? As young children, we may have been taught that our “actions speak louder than words”. We were probably taught that telling someone we’ll tidy up after ourselves doesn’t mean much if we continue to leave a trail of destruction behind us wherever we go... ...but how many of us consider those things we tell ourselves through our...

The only person we need approval from, is ourselves.

People aren't backwards to come forwards with their opinions, their 'should's' and their perspectives on how our stories ought to unfold. Sometimes these are masked as judgment-laden curiosity: "you're approaching your 2nd wedding anniversary, will there soon be a baby on the way?". As surprise: "watch your waist, you're soon going to get married...right?!" Or the ol' "if it were me, I'd..." Or the "only if you had'd be desirable" Unsolicited advice or judgment with icing,...

Have you ever found yourself wishing to achieve a balance in all the competing areas of your life? Wondering when will everything fall in place like a solved Rubik's Cube? Wishing that your life was as solved as that of the other people who are able to juggle work, fitness, relationships and self-care as if they were just one ball to play with. I have. Many times. And while I almost always failed at my attempts of trying to multitask, my curiosity at why was I failing miserably every single...