The REAL reason why you don't follow through

Have you ever found yourself wishing to achieve a balance in all the competing areas of your life?

Wondering when will everything fall in place like a solved Rubik's Cube?

Wishing that your life was as solved as that of the other people who are able to juggle work, fitness, relationships and self-care as if they were just one ball to play with.

I have. Many times.

And while I almost always failed at my attempts of trying to multitask, my curiosity at why was I failing miserably every single time, landed me with some interesting findings.

My observation is that-

  1. There is no such thing as balance in life.
  2. It's not possible to be fully present for more than one thing at a time.
  3. It's not possible to excel at one thing whilst at the very exact time also being extraordinary at anything else. You can't be baking a cake and writing an email and being a present parent at the same time.

Trying to find balance is like searching for a magical wonderland that only exists on heavily filtered social media feeds.

You know the ones, the ones where you only get to see the achievements and yeeehaaaah moments, the ones that don't show the sweat, tears, toil, falls, fails and trouble.

The land of quick fixes, airbrushes and perfect endings.

We're told we can have it all, and we can, the only caveat is - just not all at once.

Life is made up of lots of moving pieces. It's unpredictable.

We're able to hold lots of different thoughts, wants, ideas and needs.

Just not all at the same time.

On our quest to find balance we need to consider the compromise and sacrifice that making room for all of those different thoughts, wants, ideas and needs, entail.

We can be fully present on one thing at a time, which means we need to be comfortable being fully un-present in other areas of our lives.

It's about prioritising.

It's about defining what matters most and what we are OKAY with being less than great.

When we seek balance, we try to make ourselves accessible to too much in equal measure.

Our desire to have it all at the same time stretches us too thin. That's when overwhelm, fatigue and frustration tip toe in our everyday, and before we know we're in an overdrive of trying to juggle, to multitask, to be able to predict the future, to be at peace with each area of our lives, for it to be smooth-sailing.

And the one thing we know for certain about life is that it is not a smooth-sailing stream. It ebbs, it flows, it bends, it has its own moods.

It's not ever linear. Life isn't a thing that shows up in that way.

And if we resort to sacrificing and making compromises, we begin to feel lop-sided and guilty.

If we dare aim for perfection, we put ourselves under so much pressure that we'll crack.

So what's the solve and why is this important to understand?

I'm a weight loss coach and I see this problem come up very often during this time of the year.

Too many people start the year with the resolve to make their health a priority while also pledging to work on their work-life balance.

And by the end of second week or the end of January at most 75% among them would be feeling frustrated, burnt out and ready to give up.

I strongly believe in holistic health of my clients. That means, if I am working with you on optimising your health with weight loss, it is very important to me to help you achieve HEALTH in a way that your emotional, mental and physical health are considered.

If you can relate to the struggle of trying to juggle and balance priorities, before you throw in the towel on your goal or pronounce your goal as unachievable or TOO HARD, I'd like for you to consider:

  • Our health (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual) is not just a priority. It's the foundation and the canvas upon which everything part of life exists. It should be a non-negotiable.
  • We do need to forgive ourselves for not finding balance, it was never there to find anyway - you're absolutely not a failure for not being able to find the unfindable.
  • You can do many things very, very well, but you can't do those things all at once. Trying to multitask entails too much of a conflict, too much of a battle, too loud, too stressful, too many directions that you're being pulled in.
  • Make room for the things you TRULY want to achieve by breaking them into small, doable steps. Protect those small steps with boundaries.

Be all-in on one thing at a time.

For example-

  • If it is about spending quality time with your children? Great, put down the phone, be fully present and give them your undivided attention.
  • If it's about self-care - Make sure you've communicated boundaries around that time and assert them, so you can be fully present for yourself.
  • If you want to focus on work-Same, turn off any distractions and just, well, work. But define and uphold boundaries about when you're on and when you're off.

And if and when you fail, go gently with yourself.

Always remember to - Be Healthy, Be You!



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Ideas on sustainable weight loss & healthy living

I help women professionals who are DONE dieting end emotional overeating, feel freedom around food & lose the extra weight sustainably. The Era I Lived In PLUS newsletter delivers ideas on sustainable weight loss, self-acceptance & empowerment to transform lives by supporting, empowering and inspiring.

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