You aren't the problem...this is

There’s one belief that everyone struggling to lose weight shares:

“I should be able to figure this out on my own.”


We’ve had a lifetime of “authorities” telling us what to do without explaining how to do it.

  • Just say no.
  • Eat responsibly.
  • Enjoy in moderation.

Here’s how your subconscious interprets these messages:

“If no one is telling me how to be responsible, it must be something that doesn’t need explanation.”

This leads to the second conclusion:

“If I can’t figure this out on my own, then something must be wrong with me.”

This is why so many people are determined to figure out their overeating, binge-eating behaviours and feeling helpless around certain foods on their own.

You’ve been exposed to subtle messages your entire life that you shouldn’t need help.

It annoys me that we’re led to believe that saying no should come naturally.

But I also understand why this feels so true.

There are plenty of people in your life who instinctively know how to moderate.

  • The sibling who never put on weight no matter what they eat.
  • The cousin who cut back to lose weight and never looked back.
  • The friend who gave up drinking cold turkey and never looked back ever again.

They don’t need help figuring this out.

So why should you?

But just because some people are better at saying no doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.

It also doesn’t mean you can’t get better at resisting temptation.

Some people have a better ear, excellent hand-eye coordination, or a knack for languages.

That doesn’t mean you can’t learn the guitar, take up pickleball, or improve your French.

But learning any skill is next to impossible if you also believe:

  • “This shouldn’t be so hard for me.”
  • “It’s embarrassing to need help.”
  • “My struggles are a sign I’ll never succeed.”

You’ll quickly feel defeated and give up.

Yet, most people bring this exact mindset to their weight loss journey.

You aren’t the problem. Your mindset is.

That’s why it’s so hard to change your relationship with food on your own.

It’s hard to make progress when your crappy mindset keeps insisting you can’t change and should give up.

Consider who’s by your side now after having had too much to eat.

Your internal critic.

Your internal critic doesn’t support you at your lowest moment.

It can’t offer a different perspective, teach new skills, or help you overcome failure.

Your internal critic’s job is to make you feel awful.

That’s why it’s so easy to backslide.

After listening to your internal critic, you may spend days, weeks, or even months:

  • Not bothering to try because what’s the point?
  • Embracing an I DON'T CARE attitude and permitting yourself to indulge as much as you want.
  • Cringing at the thought of last night while trying to pretend nothing is wrong.
  • Punishing yourself with super restrictive rules that you know won’t last.

And when you do finally get back on track?

Your internal critic is waiting, ready to take you down the moment you mess up.

So you backslide again.

I created Be Healthy Be You so you could stop letting your internal critic run the show.

Inside, you always have me on your side, ready to help you get unstuck—no matter what.

You’ll have unconditional, non-judgmental support.

No scare tactics.

No secret agenda to push restriction or fasting or convince you to burn the extra calories with overzealous workouts.

I trust you to decide what’s right for you and will help you reach your goal—whatever that means for you.

Change is so much faster and easier when someone’s got your back.

And over time, you’ll develop an internal coach so that you can shut down the critic on your own.

You'll learn to be the best friend you need to lean on when the urge strikes.

Who you've wanted, has been with you the whole time. Be Healthy Be You will help you find her.

Always cheering for you,


Ideas on sustainable weight loss & healthy living

I help women professionals who are DONE dieting end emotional overeating, feel freedom around food & lose the extra weight sustainably. The Era I Lived In PLUS newsletter delivers ideas on sustainable weight loss, self-acceptance & empowerment to transform lives by supporting, empowering and inspiring.

Read more from Ideas on sustainable weight loss & healthy living
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