Yes, this is how it is

In my work as a 1:1 weight loss coach for women, I often hear women say how much they want to lose weight but they believe that NOW is not the right time.

​Well, the kids are going back to school so I can't start now.

Well, it's the holidays so I can't start now.

Well, the kids are back in school I can't start now.

Well, Spring Break can't lose weight when they're on spring break.

Well, Oh my God, it's summer. You know, our schedules change so I can't think of starting to lose weight now.

Well, work is over-busy, can't start now, perhaps next quarter.

So many of us are so caught up waiting for the right time and everything in our life to align before we can start caring for our health and dreams that we are forever NOT ready to start.

We are caught up in all the reasons why we can't start up-levelling our health that we are blind sided to what we could be doing that's helpful.

I can't emphasise enough that if weight loss is something that you know in your heart that will make you feel good, it will improve your health and life in general, then NOW is always the BEST TIME to start.

Today, I want to debunk the thoughts that might be keeping you from creating the body and health you deserve.

If you're on the fence whether you should get started or not- I can empathise because I know for sure how painful it can be to sitting on the fence.

One of the most important things to realize is that- there's never going to be a perfect time to lose weight. Ever.


There's going to be a time when you are willing to start.

There's going to be a time with all the excuses and worries co-existing with your willingness to change.

When I started losing weight, it was for sure not the perfect time.

It was a time when I felt like I was stooping with the weight of sustained stress, trauma and distress from several different life circumstances (a divorce, career switch, ailing elderly parents to care for, single motherhood & more)

It's then that I realised that-

It's in those tough, testing, hard times that we actually need to care for our needs more.

Pay close attention to our self-care and better health.

In the hard times, when so many of us seek relief from food, we would benefit from the tools and mindset support and emotional guidance to survive life's toughest tests... feeling alive and energised.

So many of us, think and say, now's not the perfect time because it's a hard time rather than saying now is a really good time.

I'll show you how a tiny tweak in the perspective can make a big difference.

I'd like to offer, it is a perfect time to start today because if you start taking care of yourself today, it will make this time easier with these things.

Irrespective of your circumstances, I'd like for you to consider how would losing weight lighten the load on your shoulders.

What would it feel like to have less struggle going around, walking up and down the stairs, not having to stop often to catch a breath or having plenty of energy even in the evenings to play with the kids or to have the mood to enjoy going out for a walk later in the day.

A lot of times, we use our life as an excuse rather than trying to figure out how to problem solve and get in the solution mindset.

For example - how would weight loss make my life easier even if nothing else changes?

If you're someone who travels frequently for work and thinks it's impossible to lose weight with such a schedule and lifestyle.

I'd say's not impossible.

Imagine, wouldn't it be great to learn how to travel for work and not eat our faces off every night when we are exhausted?

What if we had the framework and tools to not save us from the regrets or worries around our clothes not fitting us for a meeting because we kept overeating on the road?

Wouldn't it be better to learn how to navigate being able to eat on the road versus thinking it's too hard?

I have had women say, you know when you get to room service, I have hamburgers. If that's your point of worry, let me assure you, it's not hard to lose weight even in this scenario.

What's truly hard is to choose the salad over the hamburger unless you change your mindset.

And when you rather get to the point where you learn how to change your mindset instead of living in regret or the pain of not having the body you truly want.

And if you are like me caring for elderly parents right now. Wouldn't it be amazing to have more energy to take care of them?

Imagine how different your life would be, in whatever circumstances you are currently in. You knew you could survive this phase caring for your own bodily and emotional needs without eating over them.

What if starting today, you had the tools, the mindsets and the support to have more energy for the needs you have right now?

Don't get stuck in the idea that there's going to be a better time, a perfect time, or a time when it's not so hard.

It's like just thinking about what makes this time in my life the time when

I'm uniquely suited to go for the dream of finally creating the health I truly want for myself. And how could going for it make this time of my life easier? Not harder.

My life changed when I finally learned how to show up for it without needing to eat through it to survive.

To get through the day to feel good about myself to relax.

Most of us have taught ourselves that that is the only way we can feel good or relax or comfort ourselves is by eating because nobody's teaching us how to do it using the power of our mind.

I teach mindset shifts and how to navigate through life with the powers of our mind that we have never been shown to put to our best use.

I teach tons of frameworks and a system easy to implement and adopt in the Be Healthy Be You Program.

Please never give up on yourself-you'll always be worth fighting for, even when the fight leaves you breathless and worn out and done in.

Never give up on yourself.

Ask yourself-

What is it costing you—financially, emotionally, and physically—to postpone action on your health?

If you don’t pursue those things that excite you, where will you be in one year, five years, and ten years?

If you zoom out 10 years and know with 100% certainty that it is a path of disappointment and regret, and if we define risk as “the likelihood of an irreversible negative outcome,” inaction is the greatest risk of all.

What will you choose?

Thinking of you,


P.S. Ready to be healthy and to be you?

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Ideas on sustainable weight loss & healthy living

I help women professionals who are DONE dieting end emotional overeating, feel freedom around food & lose the extra weight sustainably. The Era I Lived In PLUS newsletter delivers ideas on sustainable weight loss, self-acceptance & empowerment to transform lives by supporting, empowering and inspiring.

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