The Healthy You Challenge

Did you make a commitment to make 2024 the year you get healthy?

Do you want to lose weight in a way that you'd love to live for the rest of your life??

​If so, I’ve got just what you need to lose weight and stay motivated.

Our weight and how healthy we are doesn’t depend on our diet and exercise regimen alone.

It depends on our mindset, too.

​It’s the lifestyle choices we make daily.

​Willpower by itself is not enough, if we want to achieve lasting change, we must have an effective strategy.

​​In this 21-day weight loss foundation challenge :

Learn the step-by-step process to get started on your weight loss journey that gets you more results, lets you work at your pace, and makes you EXCITED to never want to stop.

  • Even if…you think you've tried every diet and weight-loss hack on the Internet.
  • Even if…you don’t want to spend 6 days/week at the gym
  • Even if…you don’t have the confidence that you can lose weight this time.
  • And especially if…you feel STUCK and HELPLESS to do something about your weight and everything it is causing in your life.

From losing 60 pounds, effortlessly maintaining it, and sharing my effective strategies with people around me to help them get amazing results, I'm now ready to make an impact in your weight-loss journey.

Let me show you my proven system to create your healthy life, the one that you'll love.

This challenge will prepare your foundation for success from the start.

Get ready to be leaner and healthier while still being yourself.

Be Healthy Be You ~ Healthy You!

Get Started To be Healthy While Being You

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    My Story:

    After a lifetime of obesity, exercising most part of my life, being bullied and judged for how I looked, developing aches, pains and medical problems that almost killed me and losing and gaining weight like the phases of the moon, I finally lost 60 pounds and realised that weight loss has very little to do with willpower and a lot with our mindset.

    My life today feels AMAZING!

    I want you to find the same happiness in your body as I feel.

    In this challenge, I will show you how you too can take ownership of your weight-loss, overall health and actions through simple steps that bring about sustainable results.

    You'll learn to create systems that suit your lifestyle, keep you committed & get you results from the START!

    Dr. Megha Mathur

    Weight Loss Coach